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Life of SG Rev. Fr. Anselm Gądek OCD:

24 II 1884 a second son of Anthony and Salomea from the family of Kowalska from
home, is born at the family home in Marszowice;

25 II 1884 at the Christening in the Parish Church in Niegowić he receives names
Maciej Josef (Joseph);

1891-1895 as a student he attends public primary school in Niegowić;

1895-1901 he attends secondary school in Wadowice, living in a dormitory of the
Discalced Carmelites;

1901-1903 he does his noviciate and profesat in Czerna near Cracow;

17 VIII 1902 he takes his first holy orders;

1903-1904 he studies philosophy in Wadowice;

1904-1908 he studies theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome;

19 VIII 1905 he takes perpetual religious vows;

25 VII 1907 he is ordained to the priesthood in Rome;

1909-1915 he holds pastoral ministry in Cracow, working as a confessor, spiritual adviser, preacher, tutor of clerics and lecturer in theology;

1914 he is a founder of the Brotherhood of the Child Jesus;

1916-1917 he stays in Austria as a lecturer of Theology and a tutor of Polish Carmelite Clerics in Linz and Vienna;

1918-1920 he is the Prior of the convent in Wadowice and he establishes a minor Carmelite Seminary;

31 VIII 1920 he is appointed by the General Definitorium in Rome as the first provincial of the Polish province of the Discalced Carmelites;

31 XII 1921 he founds the Congregation of Carmelite Sisters of the Infant Jesus in Sosnowiec;

1925-1947 he stays in Rome as the Rector of Collegium ?Teresianum?, lecturer in liturgy and moral theology, general definitor, confessor of many monastic congregations;

1935-1939 by the appointment of Pope Pius XI he fulfils the duties of an apostolic visitor of the higher seminaries in Poland and national Colleges in Rome;

1940-1950 by the appointment of Pius XII he is a consultor to the Congregation of Seminaries and Catholic Universities;

15 V 1947 he returns to Poland permanently;

1947-1948 he is a builder and a prior at the monastery in Wrocław;

1948-1960 for three terms he is a provincial of the Polish province of the Discalced Carmelites and a prior at the convent in Warsaw;

1960-1969 he is staying in a monastery in Łódź where he gives himself to prayers, preaching the word of God, as well as his work of a writer;

15 X 1969 he dies saintly in a convent in Łódź. His grave, after the exhumation in 1990, is placed in the vestibule of the Church of the Discalced Carmelites in Łódź in ul. Liściasta 9.

The Process of beatification of SG Rev. Fr. Anselm Gądek OCD in the Archdiocese of Łódź lasted between 2002 and 2008. Then the files were taken to Rome where the Congregation for the Causes of Saints continues to conduct further works aimed at studying the heroism of his virtues.